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A Positive Perspective

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Social distancing is a crucial public health intervention that can help stop coronavirus transmission by avoiding crowds and large gatherings such as weddings, concerts, conferences, sporting events, and mass transit. Best practice requires maintaining at least a six-foot distance between yourself and others. My husband mentioned the phrase of the year might as well be, “It’s canceled.” All plans are off for everyone. Isn't it interesting? Social distancing isn’t new to introverts (can I get an amen from all my fellow introvert sisters)? Remember, you always have a say in what you choose to focus on. If you are dissatisfied with constant updates from media, turn the tv off. Tired of texts from people that are terrified? Turn the phone off (GASP!). Yes, you can shut your phone off.

To frame all of this in a positive light, I listed two tips below for anybody seeking ideas or inspiration for what to do in this season.

1. Intentionally settle your mind

My journal is a safe book for me to rest my thoughts in. Be gentle with yourself. Don’t shame yourself for thinking about what you are thinking. Be objective and get those thoughts down on paper. Sis, don’t get too deep about this. Whatever you are thinking, write it down.

2. Set achievable goals

Now is the time to tackle the spare bedroom with all the “stuff” in it. That book your cousin gave you that is still sitting on the shelf. Is it time to read it? What about the favorite things you enjoyed as a kiddo? Wanna color? Ever walk past the laundry room and cringe when you see all those old things you no longer use? Try this: walk by the laundry room and stop. The begin to sort through the cringe-worthy stack of stuff. Yay! You chose a better choice!

Alright, are you feeling inspired? What are you going to do during this season of social distancing? I wanna hear! You can take it from here. I believe in you. Do you?

Email me at

Be well,


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